Citations and localities
Citations and localities
Citations of references in Metanorma are formulated as cross-references.
The anchor cross-referenced is the internal identifier given for the bibliographic entry.
is the anchor)<<ref1,part=IV,chapter=3,paragraph=12>>
Metanorma AsciiDoc works in a similar way to typical AsciiDoc: any text in a cross-reference that follows a comma constitutes custom text for the cross-reference.
A cross-reference <<ISO7301,the foregoing reference>>
will be rendered as
“the foregoing reference”, and hyperlinked to the ISO7301
Citations can include details of where in the document the citation is located.
These localities are entered by suffixing the lowercase type of locality, then an equals sign, then the locality value or range of values.
Multiple instances of locality and reference can be provided, delimited by comma or colon.
The references cannot contain spaces. Any text following the sequence of localities will be displayed instead of the localities.
Locality types
The following locality types are recognised in Metanorma:
a general section
a clause
a document part
a paragraph
a chapter
a page
a line identified by the line number
a table
an annex
a figure
an example
a note
a mathematical formula
a list
a particular time
an anchor
the title
Except for the locality types of whole
and title
, all locality types require
explicit specification of an identifier to make sense.
note 1
) -
page 77-99
) -
annex A
) -
line 399
Locality types not listed here shall be entered using the mechanism described at Custom locality.
Simple locality
A simple locality is specified with a unique location identifier or free text.
NOTE: This table is based on <<ISO7301,table=1>>.
Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with <<xxx,section="5-3-1,bis">>
// renders as: "the foregoing reference"
<<ISO712,the foregoing reference>>
To refer to the “whole” item, or the title within a block, the corresponding keyword is used
, title
), without an argument.
// renders as: "ISO 712, Whole of text"
Hierarchical locality
A hierarchical location is specified through consecutive narrower localities.
// renders as "`Part IV, Chapter 3, paragraph 12`"
// renders as: "ISO 712, Section 5, Page 8-10"
<<ISO712,section=5, page 8-10>>
// renders as "ISO 712, 5:8-10"
// ("5:8-10" treated as replacement text for all the foregoing)
<<ISO712,section=5, page=8-10: 5:8-10>>
Discontinuous locality
Discontinuous localities can be named by repeating the same locality type.
// renders as "`page 4, page 7`"
Discontinuous localities can also be specified by delimiting sequences of
localities with semicolon [added in]
// renders as "`Part IV, Chapter 3; Part VI, Chapter 9`"
Complex locality
Complex relations between discontinuous references can be specified by prefixing conjoining verbs to sequences of localities separated by semicolon [added in].
This will result in overt connectives between the references, which will be internationalised.
Conjoining verbs include:
// renders as: "`Chapters 3 and 7`"
// renders as: "Part IV, Chapter 3 or Part VI, Chapter 9"
This is similar to the behavior in Combination of cross-references. |
As with cross-references, more than two references combined by “and” should be marked up with semicolons. internationalization during rendering will take care of separating the references by colon, and inserting any necessary conjunction wording (“and”).
// or
If references are joined with semicolons and connectives, but the locality is not supplied
for a cross-reference, it is filled in by referring to the preceding conjoined
cross-reference [added in].
For example, clause=3.2;and!4.7;to!4.9;and!9 is
corrected internally to the more explicit clause=3.2;and!clause=4.7;to!clause=4.9;and!clause=9 .
Trailing text after the sequence of locality=reference
) is treated as custom text for the cross-reference,
as would occur normally in a typical cross-reference.
The locality can appear in quotations if it contains special characters (like dashes or commas).
Custom locality
Locality types not listed in Locality types are entered using the "custom locality" functionality.
Metanorma accepts a fixed list of locality types in cross-references (see Locality types), which is not meant to be exhaustive of all possible locality types.
is recognized as a generic reference to annexes in documents, but it
does not recognize appendixes (instead of annexes), or as distinct from annexes
(as is the case in ISO deliverables).
A custom locality is entered by prefixing the locality type with locality:
A custom locality has the following properties:
The locality type will be rendered as text preceding the equal sign.
The locality type shall not contain commas, colons, or space.
The locality type is meant to be valid for all languages.
NoteThe custom locality locality:appendix
would be used for both English and French texts. -
Localization of custom locality types is managed through inclusion in the internationalization YAML file for that language, which has to be customized as part of the Metanorma flavor implementation.
NoteThe custom locality locality:appendix
is realized as French Appendice through configuration in the Metanorma flavor implementation.
prefixThis encoding:
Renders as:
"ISO/IEC DIR 2, Annex SL, Appendix 2, Clause 3.2"
Locality plus custom text
Any text after the bibliographic localities is still treated as custom cross-reference text.
As with references without localities, the custom cross-reference text is the only text that is displayed in the document; but the cross-reference still captures the specific locality of the reference, e.g. for cross-reference generation.
<<ISO7301,clause=5,table=1,the foregoing reference>>
rendered as:
the foregoing reference
Anchor locality
Exceptionally, the anchor
locality is only used in HTML, to generate
anchor links to other HTML pages [added in].
It is intended for use with bibliographic anchors linking to URLs (repo:()
, path:()
see [other-databases] and [hyperlink-biblio].
locality for rendering in HTML outputThe following input:
* [[[ISO7301,path:(./iso7301.html,ISO 7301)]]]
will render in HTML as:
<a href="./iso7301.html#xyz">ISO 7301, Clause 2, Table 1a, page 7-9</a>
Case and dropped locality labels
The capital%
, lowercase%
and droploc%
options used for internal
cross-references can also be used as prefixes to localities, modifying how those
localities are
rendered [added in].
in a citation locality// renders as "ISO 7301, 2"
in a citation locality// renders as "ISO 7301, clause 2"
Styled cross-references
As with internal cross-references, cross-referenced
citations can have a style
attribute [added in].
As of this writing, the only values allowed are the types of docidentifier value that can be substituted
for the primary identifier of the reference, for standards documents; those values will need to be looked up in
Relaton (and the Semantic XML of the document). For example, given the citation
<bibitem type="standard" id="bib1">
<docidentifier type="ISO" primary="true">ISO/FDIS 17664-1</docidentifier>
<docidentifier type="URN">urn:iso:std:iso-fdis:17664:-1:ed-1:fr</docidentifier>
A crossreference [bib1]
will be populated by default with the primary or else the first
value found, ISO/FDIS 17664-1
. However, given style=URN%
, the
first docidentifier
value of type URN
will be sought instead, and the cross-reference
will be populated by default as URN urn:iso:std:iso-fdis:17664:-1:ed-1:fr
Link-only references
A standards document can be cross-referenced in Metanorma without that document appearing in the document references.
Such cross-reference is treated as equivalent to a cross-reference to a hidden citation, as documented in [hidden-citations].
Link-only references can be added to Metanorma AsciiDoc using the following command:
Where the std-link
command contains the same text as a normal cross-reference
to a standard, including localities and other directives.
There is no need for an explicit bibliographic entry. [added in].
The following two examples are equivalent:
std-link:[ISO 123,droploc%clause=3]
== Bibliography
* [[[ref1,hidden(ISO 123)]]]
Combination of citations
Simple citations can be combined with connectives, in a similar fashion to cross-references (Combination of cross-references), and which will be internationalised as appropriate [added in].
The following citation range:
is rendered as:
From [3] to [7]