Metanorma: Aequitate Verum



Pseudocode is a mix between formal math with code like properties commonly used in computer science and related fields.

Unlike source code, pseudocode is typically in a proportional font, but it still needs to be indented to reflect code structure. Moreover, pseudocode typically requires source code highlighting such as boldface; but unlike well-defined computer languages, there is no guaranteed way of automating such highlighting.

Pseudocode is supported in Metanorma using the pseudocode block with these properties:

  • text within a pseudocode block is treated as normal text, including respect for inline formatting;

  • lines do not need to be separated by line breaks, although two carriage returns in a row are still interpreted as a new paragraph. [added in]

  • indentation spaces at the start of each line are preserved, by converting them into non-breaking spaces; initial tabs are converted into four non-breaking spaces.

The syntax is as follows:

normal text
    _italics_ [smallcap]#small caps text#
*bolded text*
Example 1. Example of using the pseudocode block with flow operators
*do in-parallel*

[smallcap]#ExclusiveAccess# stem:[-=]
  *if* _ag.mode_ = _exclusive_ stem:[^^ AA t in] [smallcap]#Token# : _t.available_ *then*
    *do forall* _t_ : stem:[in]  [smallcap]#_Token_#
      _t.owner_ := _ag_
Example 2. Example of using the pseudocode block with numeric values (from ISO 8000-118)

  *if not* stem:[-19652 <= "_groundLevel_" <= 19651]
    *raise* _out of bounds error_

  _groundLevel_ = _groundLevel_ + 19652

  *return* [smallcap]#EncodeBase34#(_groundLevel_)

renders as (PDF):

Pseudocode usage in ISO 8000-118