Metanorma: Aequitate Verum

Metanorma for OGC document attributes

Document type and stage


Document attributes listed below are unique to the processing of OGC documents in Metanorma.

For common document attributes, see Document attributes reference which describes attributes that apply across all Metanorma flavors.

For an introduction to Metanorma document attributes and how Metanorma uses them, see the corresponding topic.


The standard abbreviation of the document, used e.g. in URIs


Mandatory. Document type.


  • standard: Standard (a document subtype is necessary, see [ogc-docsubtype]) (default)

  • draft-standard: Standard (a document subtype is necessary, see [ogc-docsubtype]) [added in]

  • abstract-specification-topic: Abstract Specification

  • best-practice: Best Practice (a document subtype is necessary, see [ogc-docsubtype])

  • change-request-supporting-document: Change Request Supporting Document

  • community-practice: Community Practice

  • community-standard: Community Standard

  • discussion-paper: Discussion Paper

  • engineering-report: Engineering Report

  • other: Note, Primer, etc.

  • policy: Policy, Policy — Name Type Specification

  • reference-model: Reference Model

  • release-notes: Release Notes

  • test-suite: Test Suite

  • user-guide: User Guide

  • technical-paper: Technical Paper (for documents issued/published on or after 2021-12-16) [added in].

Deprecated values:


Document subtype. Choices:

  • For doctype set to standard:

    • implementation: Implementation (default)

    • conceptual-model: Conceptual model

    • conceptual-model-and-encoding: Conceptual model and encoding

    • conceptual-model-and-implementation: Conceptual model and implementation

    • encoding: Encoding

    • extension: Extension

    • profile: Profile

    • profile-with-extension: Profile with extension

  • For doctype set to best-practice:

    • general: General (default)

    • encoding: Encoding

    • extension: Extension

    • profile: Profile

    • profile-with-extension: Profile with extension


Document status/stage. Synonym: :docstage:.


  • draft: Draft. This is the only draft stage for document types that are not standard, draft-standard, abstract-specification-topic, community-standard.

  • work-item-draft: Work item draft. This is the first stage for a community-standard.

  • swg-draft: Candidate SWG Draft. This is the first stage for a standard or draft-standard.

  • oab-review: Candidate OAB Review Draft. This is the intended draft for the “OAB + OGC-NA Review”. This stage is only valid for standard, draft-standard, abstract-specification-topic and community-standard.

  • public-rfc: Public RFC. This is the draft for the (30 days) public comment period. This stage is only valid for standard, draft-standard, abstract-specification-topic, community-standard, best-practice and community-practice.

  • tc-vote: Candidate TC Vote Draft. This is the intended draft for the TC adoption and PC adoption votes. This stage is only valid for standard, draft-standard, abstract-specification-topic, community-standard, best-practice and community-practice.

  • approved: Published. This is the document intended to be published. This status is to be set after comments are handled with the TC chair (after tc-vote). published is an allowed synonym of approved [added in].

  • deprecated: Deprecated. This document has been deprecated.

  • rescinded: Rescinded. This document has been rescinded as inaccurate [added in].

  • retired: Retired. This document has been retired and no longer considered normative.

  • legacy: Legacy. This document has been retired and replaced by a completely new standard [added in].

The following figure and table shows available document statuses for each document type [added in].
ogc doctype pub process
Figure 1. OGC document type and document stage publication flows
Table 1. Document statuses available for various OGC document types
draft work-item-draft swg-draft oab-review public-rfc tc-vote approved (published) deprecated rescinded retired

standard, draft-stadard, abstract-specification-topic


















best-practice, community-practice








all other types





The version number of the document. Dot-delimited, consists of a major version number, a minor version number, and an optional patch version number.

2.3.1 means: major version 2, minor version 3, patch version 1.

Comma-delimited list of the keywords associated with the document.


Abbreviations are sometimes used to designate that a document has a certain document type, document subtype and document stage. This is a mapping from legacy OGC document values to the current normalized list:

“AS” Abstract Specification

Now :doctype: abstract-specification-topic.

“BP” Best Practice

Now :doctype: best-practice.

“CAN” Candidate Standard

Now :doctype: standard and :docstage: swg-draft.

“CC” Conformance Class

Not a standalone document, but a part of a document with :doctype: standard. No longer exists.

“CR” Change Request

Now :doctype: change-request-supporting-document; the actual Change Request is a database entry.

“CS” Community Standard

Now :doctype: community-standard.

“CP” Community Practice

Now :doctype: community-practice.

“DP” Discussion Paper

Now :doctype: discussion-paper.

“DP-Draft” Draft Discussion Paper

Now :doctype: discussion-paper with :docstage: swg-draft.

“IPR” Interoperability Program Report — Engineering Specification

Now :doctype: engineering-report.

“IS” Implementation Standard

Now :doctype: standard, :docsubtype: implementation.

“ISC” Implementation Standard Corrigendum

Now :doctype: standard, :docsubtype: implementation (TBD to indicate corrigendum).

“ISx” Extension Package Standard

Now :doctype: standard, :docsubtype: extension.

“Notes” Notes

Now :doctype: other, there is no specific type for “Notes”.

“ORM” OGC Reference Model

Now :doctype: reference-model.

“PC” Profile Corrigendum

Now :doctype: standard, :docsubtype: profile (TBD to indicate corrigendum).

“PER” Public Engineering Report

Now :doctype: engineering-report.

“POL” Policy

Now :doctype: policy.

“POL-NTS” Policy — Name Type Specification

Now :doctype: engineering-report, there is no specific indication for “NTS”.

“Primer” Primer

Now :doctype: other, there is no specific type for “Primer”.

“Profile” Profile

Now :doctype: standard, :docsubtype: profile.

“RFC” Request for Comment

Now :doctype: standard and :docstage: public-rfc.

“Retired” Retired document

This is a document stage indicated :docstage: retired.

“SAP” Standard Application Profile

Now :doctype: standard, :docsubtype: profile.


Test Suite (TBD)

“WhitePaper” Whitepaper

Was :doctype: white-paper, but now :doctype: technical-paper. Please refer to the description of technical-paper in [ogc-doctype].

Author info


Mandatory. Name of relevant committee producing the document. Use one of:

  • technical: Technical Committee

  • planning: Planning Committee

  • strategic-member-advisory: Strategic Member Advisory Committee


The type of the relevant subcommittee producing the document.


The number of the relevant subcommittee producing the document.


Mandatory. Name of relevant working group producing the document.


Type of the relevant workgroup producing the document.


Number of the relevant workgroup producing the document.


Semicolon-delimited list of the submitting organizations for this document. The organization names themselves may contain commas.

Example 1. Example of setting submitting organizations

University of Calgary, Canada; National Central University, Taiwan


Role of contributor (:role:). Legal values are author, editor, and [added in] contributor.


Same as :fullname: alongside :role: specified as editor.

URIs and IDs


External identifier referring to this document. If not supplied, a default value is generated:{abbrevation of doctype}/{abbrev}/{version}. (Version is omitted if not provided. If :abbrev: and :doctype: are not provided, the default value is not generated.


Identifier embedded into a document type-specific external URL.


URI of previous version of the document.


The document number assigned to the OGC document (without the “OGC” prefix).

A new document number is obtained through the “OGC Pending Documents” page at the OGC portal.

The number is of the pattern YY-NNN{rM} formulated following the following rules:

  • YY represents the final two digits of the year this document number was first reserved.

  • NNN is a three digit number is assigned sequentially for each document in the year.

  • {rM} is only for revisions:

    • The first edition of a document has the document number YY-NNN. e.g., 00-027 is OGC document 027 first published in 2000.

    • Minor editorial changes and corrigenda do not result in a change to the document number.

    • The YY-NNN identifier portion is maintained if the document undergoes content changes (revisions).

    • A revised document will have its identifier suffixed with r followed by the revision number M, a sequential number indicating the number of revisions. So 05-020r27 is revision 27 of OGC document 020 first published in 2005. (Revision 27 may appear years later than 2005.)

  • A new major version of a document receives a new document number, including likely a new year.

Legacy information

OGC White Paper now renamed as Technical Paper

The OGC Planning Committee at the 121st OGC Member Meeting has approved the rename of the document type “White Paper” to “Technical Paper”.

All documents issued or published before 2021-12-16 will remain with the document type “White Paper”, and documents published on or after that date will have the document type "`Technical Paper".

The two document types are treated identically, and are rendered differently depending on the date published or issued.

OGC identity design

OGC has launched its current identity together with its new logo and color scheme on 2021-11-08.

Both current and previous identity designs are supported in Metanorma-OGC. The differences include:

  • OGC logo

  • PDF color scheme

Application of the branding design depends solely on the publication date of an OGC deliverable:

  • a deliverable with a publication date on or after 2021-11-08 will use the new branding;

  • a deliverable dated prior to 2021-11-08 will utilize the previous branding.

Mapping to OGC legacy AsciiDoc

Metanorma-OGC permits legacy OGC AsciiDoc template attributes, and are treated as synonyms of the corresponding Metanorma attributes:

OGC Metanorma AsciiDoc OGC legacy AsciiDoc













:fullname:, with :role: = editor


