Typical sections in OGC
The easiest way to ensure that you are following the document structure that OGC demands, is to use a Metanorma template.
If you author a document type that doesn’t have a template, check a sample document for better understanding how to structure that document.
Typically, an OGC document contains the following content order:
Preliminary sections
The following clauses are preliminary elements, and are moved into the frontispiece of the document (in Metanorma, the “document preface”).
The OGC DocTeam has specified that all these elements are MANDATORY in OGC documents (in this order):
Executive summary (Engineering Reports only)
Security considerations [added in https://github.com/metanorma/metanorma-ogc/releases/tag/v1.2.5]
Submitting organizations
The Foreword and Introduction are not recognised as part of the document preface by default [added in https://github.com/metanorma/metanorma-ogc/releases/tag/v1.0.2].
Additional preliminary sections are allowed but not encouraged. There are two mechanisms for adding additional content as preliminary elements:
The abstract is recognized as the first clause with an abstract
== Abstract
This standard describes a conceptual and logical model for the exchange
of groundwater data, as well as a GML/XML encoding with examples.
Executive summary
The “Executive summary” section is mandatory for OGC Engineering Reports. It is only allowed for that document type [added in https://github.com/metanorma/metanorma-ogc/releases/tag/v1.5.3].
The Executive Summary section is entered as a clause with the title “Executive summary”.
== Executive summary
This is the executive summary...
Alternatively, it can be explicitly declared if the title is different
[added in https://github.com/metanorma/metanorma-ogc/releases/tag/v2.6.0].
== Executive summary, differently named
This is the executive summary...
A preface clause is recognized as a full section, with the title “Preface”. The Preface clause may contain subclauses. [added in https://github.com/metanorma/metanorma-ogc/releases/tag/v1.0.1]
:received-date: 2019-01-01
== Preface
Your preface text...
=== Preface sub-clause
More preface text...
Previously, the Preface section can be specified by text entered after a
.Preface label, which has to be placed between the AsciiDoc document
attributes and the first AsciiDoc section title.
This behavior is now deprecated in favor of specifying the Preface as a real
section to allow better reflection of content order.
“Keywords” are entered as document attributes as :keywords:
, with the
value as a comma-delimited list.
Prefatory text is generated automatically.
:keywords: ogcdoc, OGC document, groundwater, hydrogeology, GWML2
Security considerations
The Security considerations section is entered as a clause with the title “Security considerations”.
== Security considerations
The following security considerations apply...
If the security considerations are not provided in the source document, the clause is inserted with the text “No security considerations have been made for this standard.”
Submitting organizations
“Submitting Organizations” are entered using the :submitting-organizations:
document attribute.
The values are entered using a semi-colon delimited list.
Prefatory text is generated automatically.
:submitting-organizations: Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), Canada; U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), United States of America
Submitters (and Contributors)
“Submitters” are entered using a table, contained in a section with the title “Submitters”.
In OGC Engineering Reports, "Submitters" is rendered as "Contributors".
A title of "Contributors" is treated as equivalent to "Submitters" [added in https://github.com/metanorma/metanorma-ogc/releases/tag/v2.3.14].
The "Contributors" section in an Engineering report can declared using the
clause attribute [contributors]
Any table included in a Submitters section is automatically unnumbered [added in https://github.com/metanorma/metanorma-ogc/releases/tag/v1.4.1] |
== Submitters
|Name |Affiliation |OGC member
|Steve Liang | University of Calgary, Canada / SensorUp Inc. | Yes
== Submitters
All questions regarding this submission should be directed to the editor or the
|Name |Affiliation
|Boyan Brodaric |GSC
|Alexander Kmoch |U Salzburg
Engineering report elements
Preliminary sections specific to Engineering Reports are entered by using the following clause attributes [added in https://github.com/metanorma/metanorma-ogc/releases/tag/v2.6.0].
"Future outlook":
"Value proposition":
These clause declarations are equivalent to [.preface,type=…] ,
independent of the actual title provided.
== Overview
This is an Engineering Report overview.
== Proposed value
This is an Engineering Report value proposition.
== Initial clause
This is where the main section of the Engineering Report document begins.
Additional preliminary elements
The OGC DocTeam has specified that additional preliminary elements are allowed in OGC documents but not encouraged.
This is useful for document backwards-compatibility and cross-published standards at other SDOs.
Additional preliminary elements should be encoded under the [.preface]
element, and they will be rendered after the five mandatory preliminary
Functionality implemented in https://github.com/metanorma/metanorma-ogc/issues/83. |
== Preface
== Intended audience
Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions is used to define important terms and cite them throughout the standard.
Learn how to enter terms and definitions.
The references section contains normative references, it is considered a “bibliography” section.
Learn how to Entering bibliographic references.
In OGC there are commonly two “bibliography” sections. The “References” section for normative references, and the “Bibliography” section which is for informative references. |
Content sections
After the sections above, any number of content sections can be added.
Annex sections
Annex sections are declared by prepending the [appendix]
tag above the section
Annexes can be added as necessary.
An annex can either be normative or informative. By default an annex is marked informative.
In order to declare a normative annex, use the obligation attribute in
the following manner: [appendix,obligation=normative]
// Without declaration, an annex is informative.
== Informative annex title
// A normative annex.
== Normative annex title
// A informative annex with explicit declaration
== Informative annex title
Annex clauses are placed after all content sections, right before the bibliography section.
OGC documents can contain an optional “Glossary” as an annex that provides terminology for informative purposes.
The Glossary section is recognised as an annex with the title “Glossary”,
or marked up with [heading=glossary]
[added in
The “Glossary” annex does not support symbols, abbreviations or other sections. Only terms and definitions are allowed. The terms are rendered in the same format as in the "Terms and definitions" clause.
The “Glossary” section, when exists, is placed as the last annex section before the “Revision history” section (if it exists).
== Glossary
=== geospatial
relating to geographic and spatial information
=== spatial
A glossary section with a customized name can be encoded as follows.
== Customized glossary section
=== geospatial
relating to geographic and spatial information
Revision history
A “Revision History” is an optional section that contains description of changes per revision.
It is always placed as the last annex section if it exists. [added in https://github.com/metanorma/metanorma-ogc/releases/tag/v2.0.1].
Currently, this section is not machine-readable. However, OGC has plans to make it so. For future compatibility, please encode the table in the format described in the example below. |
== Revision history
|Date |Release |Editor | Primary clauses modified |Description
|2020-06-04 |0.9.0 |C. Heazel |all |Draft for review
|2020-06-07 |0.9.1 |T. H. Kolbe |Chapter 10 |Bibliography was added