Metanorma-IETF RFC XML version AsciiDoc comparison
v2 markup | v3 markup |
Relaton import from online sources, AsciiBib, pre-formatted titles |
Citations of specific versions of Internet Draft documents |
Not supported yet |
Abstract marked up as preamble, optionally with abstract style, without title |
Either abstract with title, or preamble without abstract style |
Can embed sourcecode, ASCII art, and images within example markup (figure) |
Can embed sourcecode, ASCII art, and images within example markup (figure), but prefer not to: redundant anchors, no need for preamble/postamble text within figure |
Mathematical expressions rendered as |
Mathematical expressions rendered as AsciiMath, in |
Anchors on |
Anchors on |
Note renders as comment |
Note renders as |
Admonition renders as comment (in recent releases: as paragraphs) |
Admonition renders as |
Comment macro renders as RFC XML comment |
RFC XML comments not supported |
Sidebars renders as |
Footnotes ignored |
Text footnotes rendered as endnotes, Table and Figure footnotes rendered as |