Writing IETF I-Ds and RFCs using AsciiDoc & Metanorma
This documentation describes how to write a document for the Internet Draft and RFC series using Metanorma in AsciiDoc.
A summary guide to authoring I-Ds and RFCs using AsciiDoc is also available at IETF Datatracker, with source on GitHub. |
RFC is supported in two kinds, v2 and v3. You will see notes in this documentation which clarify which part applies to which kind of RFC. |
Quick start
Check out the quick markup example (v3), topics, references, document template for authoring IETF documents
Look at the sample Metanorma IETF project
Build Metanorma for IETF documents with a command like this:
metanorma -t ietf -x html,txt {my-document-filename.adoc}
New to Metanorma?
Documentation for Metanorma-IETF is meant to supplement the general Metanorma documentation. Please first familiarize yourself with the general Metanorma documentation as well as the AsciiDoc syntax reference. |
Ruby gem "metanorma-ietf" implements the IETF flavor of Metanorma, building on top of core Metanorma library.
Metanorma for IETF/RFCs markup language specification describes AsciiDoc syntax extension designed for authoring IETF documents with Metanorma.