Metanorma: Aequitate Verum

Automatic numbering

Automatic numbering


Metanorma supports auto-numbering for the following types of document elements (“elements”):

  • figures

  • tables

  • examples

  • notes

  • formulas

  • sourcecode, pseudocode

  • permissions, recommendations and requirements.

Users do not need to specify any numbering of these elements in their source documents.

The conventions for numbering vary by Metanorma flavour, but the default is to number all elements consecutively in the main body of a document, and separately in each Annex/Appendix, prefixed bt the Annex/Appendix number.

Typical AsciiDoc only supports auto-numbering of some block types, like tables and figures.

Multi-level numbering

Metanorma’s auto-numbering functionality assigns numbers to elements consecutively. Sometimes, more than one level of numbering is required for a sequence of elements; for instance, 17a, 17b.

To indicate that, all elements in the subsequence should be assigned the same subsequence attribute of an autonumbered document element.

The syntax is as follows:



  • {block-type} is type of the document block

  • {subsequence-id} is the subsequence identifier

Example 1. Example of using multiple subsequences for auto-numbering





renders as:

A (1a)

B (1b)

C (2a)

D (2b)

E (3)

Unnumbered elements

Sometimes a document element needs to be excluded from auto-numbering. This is achieved by giving it the option attribute %unnumbered.

Sourcecode and pseudocode snippets are by default numbered as figures [added in]. If they are not to be numbered, they need to be given the %unnumbered option attribute.

The syntax is as follows:

// shorthand

// with other options

// block type with shorthand

// block type with other options


  • {block-type} is type of the document block;

  • The % symbol is a shorthand for options="unnumbered".

The % shorthand cannot be used in the presence of block arguments or attributes, such as [source,c] or [source,type="…​"]. In this case, the options="unnumbered" should be spelled out.
Example 2. Example of an unnumbered figure
.Typical gelatinization curve
Example 3. Example of an unnumbered source block

Both of these blocks are identical.

for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { bounce(v[i], wall) }
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { bounce(v[i], wall) }
Example 4. Example of an unnumbered source block with syntax highlighting (from RNP)
/* print a usage message */
static void
print_usage(const char *usagemsg)
  ERR_MSG("%s", usagemsg);
Example 5. Example of an unnumbered pseudocode block
stem:[forall v_{i}] *bounce* stem:[v_{i}] off the wall

Numbering can be suppressed for all instances of a Metanorma XML block type throughout a document, through the document attribute :block-unnumbered:, which takes as its argument a comma-delimited list of Metanorma XML block names [added in]:

:block-unnumbered: sourcecode, figure

A block instance will remain numbered if it is explicitly set to unnumbered=false, or if it has a manually set anchor (recognised as not prefixed with an underscore --- will be ignored) [added in].

Prevention of double-numbering

If a document element is included in a block type that is already subject to numbering, it will be excluded from auto-numbering.

This means that tables, sourcecode and pseudocode, and figures are excluded from auto-numbering within examples, requirements, recommendations, permissions, tables, figures, sourcecode and pseudocode. [added in]

Override numbering

There are circumstances when auto-numbering of elements needs to be overriden; for instance, numbering out of sequence in updated documents.

In these cases, elements can be given an optional number attribute [added in], assigning a required document element number to override auto-numbering.

Elements subsequent to that element will be auto-numbered so as to follow the previous element, so long as the supplied number belongs to the same sequence.

For subsequences, number shall have only subsequence scope.

The syntax is as follows:



  • {block-type} is type of the document block

  • {number-to-use} is an integer specifying at which number to use

Example 6. Example of manually specifying numbering of a document block
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { bounce(v[i], wall) }